Murphy Ranch Hike & Trail Info • Pacific Palisades, LA
The power house - where diesel generators were stored
Hike Stats:
Located near Santa Monica
Where to park: Capri Drive and Casale Road, Pacific Palisades
4 miles/2 hours total
500 steps down
50/50 shade/sun
Bring Water
Murphy Ranch
Around the time of WW2, there was surprisingly strong Nazi support within the United States. Hitler's supporters were not few and far between, but rather a thriving community, living amongst everyday society. No different than extremists in our world today.
Even in Los Angeles. Back then, you wouldn't necessarily think that person walking down the street is a strong Nazi supporter, who really hopes that Hitler's Germany is going to win the war, unless they told you.
Supporters of controversial political topics can slip past society undetected today just as much as back then, unless they take an extreme action. The extreme action one couple took is how they made the history books and the story of Murphy Ranch came to be.
History of Murphy Ranch
During WW2, a rich married couple living in LA decided to build what is today known as Murphy Ranch. But why did they build it? Well, the wife met a man called Mr. Schmidt who said he has psychic abilities. Mr. Schmidt told her that he knows Hitler's regime is going to win the war. And she believed him! But that's not the worst part; he convinced her that she needs to help him by investing millions of her and her husband's dollars into his big idea. He basically told her,
"Listen...when Hitler wins the war, there's going to be anarchy in the U.S., right? We should build a place to wait out that chaos safely. Plus, we need somewhere to house Hitler when he visits us on the West Coast. We need to build a fortress."
She ends up letting this man talk her and her husband out of MILLIONS of dollars to build a self-sustaining community with various building and bunker hidden deep in the hills near Santa Monica. So did that investment end up working out for them? No, it did not.
Almost 80 years later, we can see that their dream was shattered. What was suppose to be a White House for Hitler, as some call it, is now decaying tangles of metal and concrete covered in graffiti.
These historic ruins are named Murphy Ranch and they attract the interest of hikers, ghost hunters, artists, writers, and historians.
Murphy Ranch is definitely worth seeing in person. The jumbled mess of destroyed buildings, bunkers with layers of graffiti caked on, a beautiful valley full of trees, ocean views, and mysterious staircases is what makes this one of the top 3 best hikes in Los Angeles. A very interesting and unique hiking experience.
Murphy Ranch is Hidden in the Valley
Murphy Ranch History: The Long Version
Skip down the page for hike directions
In Los Angeles, near Santa Monica, there is a secluded 55 acre stretch of land in the Santa Monica Mountains that has a strange past.
Jesse Murphy
In 1933, a man named on city records as "Jesse Murphy" purchased a large piece of land in the Brentwood hills for development. The neighbors thought he was building just another McMansion...but it turns out he was building a compound that dozens, maybe hundreds of Nazis could take refuge in.
3,000 fruit and nut trees, professional irrigation and water storage systems, a functioning power house full of generators, machines room, and a bomb shelter. Plans underway to build even more, including a four-story mansion that could be fit for a world leader. But they ran out of money.
The main stairway of the multiple stairway system leading to Murphy Ranch's scattered system of buildings
Los Angeles
LA had a lot pro-Nazi activity during the 1930's. American Nazi Supports were usually a part of a national group called the Silver Legion. Among the Silver Legion were an rich couple living in LA, known as Norman and Wiwona. One day Wiwona met a man named Mr. Schmidt, who was also a member of the Silver Legion. Schmidt convinced the couple that Hitler Germany is going to win the war against America, and when they do, there will be anarchy in the U.S.
Schmidt persuaded the couple to spend their hard-earned money, worth more than $50 million today, to build a commune to wait out the chaos that unfolds after Hitler wins the war, and to host Hitler himself when he reaches the West Coast of America. Something built for someone so important would need no spare expenses, and that's what they were aiming for. More than just another Persian Palace in the hills of LA, but rather a lavish fortress. A Fascist World Headquarters.
The compound was designed so that Nazis would be able to sustain themselves for extended periods of time. The property had a water storage tank, fuel tank, bomb shelter, and various outbuildings and bunkers. It is near the bottom of the valley, where water can flow and be sourced. It was surrounded by barbed wire and patrolled by Silver Legion members using a multiple staircase type system that connects to the vehicle accessible road above.
Trivia: Why is it called Murphy Ranch? Because according to county records, someone name "Jessie M. Murphy" purchased the property in 1933. However, it is now believed that Jessie Murphy was a fake name used by Mr. Schmidt. I guess it's better than saying Schmidt Ranch.
Garden Beds
Monday, December 8, 1941
The day after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, police occupied the compound and arrested as many as 50 men. Their dream was shattered. The government had been watching them the whole time. War on the United States by Nazi Germany meant that the Silver Legion was being shut down.
The 70's
The property became an "artists colony" during the 70's. But then a wildfire burned everything away. Does the story end there? Nope.
Fast-forward to today
Today, the City of LA owns the land and has opened it for exploration. Murphy's Ranch is now a paradise for urban sightseers and curiosity seekers. You too can go and enjoy this interesting experience, before it's gone forever.
In early 2016, the city made the land safer by marking trails and demolishing some of the sketchy buildings. A few buildings remain, including the "power house", the most notable and photographed building, that once contained diesel generators.
The Barn
Murphy Ranch Hike Directions
Where is Murphy Ranch?
What's commonly referred to as the Murphy Ranch Trail or the Murphy Ranch Hike is located in the west side of Los Angeles, near Santa Monica/Brentwood, in a Pacific Palisades canyon named Rustic Canyon. Just plug Murphy Ranch into your Google Maps app and go!
Directions for the Murphy Ranch Trail & Pictures
Click here to see the Murphy Ranch Trail Hike on Google Maps
Where to park: Capri Drive and Casale Road, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Street parking is free but fills up
Read street signs for parking limitations
Be respectful of neighbors
Trailhead: Sullivan Ridge Fire Road
After parking, walk on the street uphill and stay to the right, you'll start to see construction, fences, and a dirt road
If you feel lost, look for where people are coming/going from
Follow the dirt road uphill and through the valley
Walk on Sullivan Fire Road for a little more than a mile until you reach a gate in the fence to your left
Go through the gate and there will be a long staircase descending into the valley
Follow the staircase all the way down then turn left and follow the dirt road to the "powerhouse", which stored diesel generators
After you're finished at the powerhouse, wander around and look for other staircases and trails that you can follow to more the front gate, the barn, one of the water storage tanks, or the garden bed
Is Murphy Ranch closed?
No, Murphy Ranch is not closed. In 2016, the city demolished, tore down, and boarded up some of the structures and buildings for safety reasons. But there is still a lot left to see. Just don't go past any fences with no trespassing signs otherwise you will risk receiving a trespassing citation.