Axe Throwing is in Full Swing in the U.S.A.
#DartsAreForWimps #Lumbersexual
Axe Throwing
What started as a hobby between lumberjacks has quickly become capitalized into a whole business industry that caters to people who enjoy extreme sports and adrenaline-inducing hobbies.
If you're new to the sport and would like to learn more, check out our two articles:
Axe throwing ranges are the new batting cage? & Are axe throwing ranges coming to California?
When we first started writing about axe throwing there was only one legit axe throwing center in the U.S. that we could find, which was Bad Axe Throwing in Chicago. Most axe throwing centres were in Canada. But now, months later, we're excited to announce that there has been a significant increase in the number of axe throwing locations in the U.S.
If you're anxious to scratch your axe throwing itch, now is the perfect time for you. And the best part? Some of the axe throwing centers have an alcohol license and you drink beer while you throw! So head out to your nearest location and start swingin'.
If you're a deal-seeker in addition to being a thrill-seeker, don't miss out on axe throwing coupons on Groupon.
There are a LOT of axe-throwing places to check out, so we recommend RVing (if you don’t already own one, rent one on Outdoorsy, RVshare, or RVezy).
You can save a ton of money RVing with Harvest Hosts and Boondockers Welcome. These apps let you park your RV at breathtaking locations for absolutely free. We honestly can’t live without ‘em.
Axe throwing is already a big thing in Canada but it didn't start spreading widely through the United States until this year.
Below, we've curated a comprehensive directory of all the U.S. Axe Throwing locations we can find.
Axe Throwing Locations in the United States
Arizona: BATL Scottsdale
California: Bad Axe Throwing San Francisco (Opening August), Kick Axe SF, Kick Axe Los Angeles, Kraken Axes Los Angeles (Pop-up)
Colorado: Downtown Axe Room Denver & Bad Axe Throwing Denver
Florida: Chill Axe Throwing Lake Worth, Kick Axe Orlando, Kraken Axes Orlando (Pop-up)
Georgia: Bad Axe Throwing Atlanta (Coming Soon), Kraken Axes Atlanta (Pop-up)
Illinois: Bad Axe Throwing Chicago, Thunderbolt Axe Throwing Chicago, Kraken Axes Chicago (Pop-up), BATL Chicago
Indiana: Bad Axe Throwing Indianapolis
Kentucky: Flying Axes Louisville
Maine: The Axe Pit Westbrook
Maryland: Urban Axes Baltimore (Coming Soon)
Massachusetts: Kraken Axes Boston (Pop-up)
Michigan: Many Options, BATL Detroit Coming Soon
Minnesota: Big Axes Hurling Hall Oakdale
Missouri: STL Axe Throwing St. Charles, Blade and Timber Kansas City, TommyHawks Springfield
Nevada: Axe Monkeys Las Vegas, Kraken Axes Las Vegas (Pop-up)
New Hampshire
New Jersey: Stumpy's Hatchet House Eatontown, Bury the Hatchet Cherry Hill, Bury the Hatchet Manasquan & Hackensack (Coming Soon)
New Mexico
New York: Hatchets & Hops Buffalo, Project Woodchips Brooklyn, Gotham Archery Brooklyn, Kick Axe Brooklyn, Kraken Axes (Pop-up)
North Carolina: Kraken Axes Charlotte (Pop-up)
North Dakota
Ohio: Columbus Axe Throwing (Cleveland/Columbus/Cincinnati), Urban Axes Cincinnati (Coming Soon)
Oklahoma: Bad Axe Throwing Oklahoma City [OKC] (Opening August)
Pennsylvania: Urban Axes Philadelphia, Valhalla Indoor Axe Throwing - Irwin, PA
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Tennessee: Throw Nashville, BATL Nashville
Texas: Houston Axe Throwing, Urban Axes Austin, Dallas Axe Throwing, Kick Axe Austin, Kraken Axes Austin/Dallas/Houston (Pop-up)
Utah: Social Axe Throwing Ogden, True North Axe Throwing Lehi
Washington: Kick Axe Seattle
Washington D.C.: Bad Axe Throwing Langdon, Kick Axe Ivy City, Kraken Axes (Pop-up)
West Virginia
If our list is missing a location, let us know in the comments below!